Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
All dreams come to a shattering halt....this is how those babe posters on your walls are made......and I kept thinking why was I never able to find those beautiful babes I find in magazine's with shining eyes and flawless hair flowing shopping in our friendly neighborhood malls....
Check this site out http://www.iwanexstudio.com/ (Professional Photo Retouching Services)
Go to the portfolio section click on any image and do a mouse over....you'll be surprised....
Aug. 20-27, 2007 issue - In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is "an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation."
Here is the link to the full article
Ab kaho "Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai"
Thanks to India Uncut I realized Chutiya is not a term which was invented for what I thought it was invented for ....In fact there is a Chutiya kingdom in existence and they are fighting for there ST status
Chutiya tribe to organise massive agitation for ST status
Guwahati, Aug 20 (UNI) The All Chutiya Jati Sanmilan, Assam, today declared it would undertaken intensive agitation to press for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status the tribe, along with five other tribes, a demand rejected by the Union Ministry on August 14 last.
------>Kya kya mil jaata hai net pe yaar..aaj tak to suna tha par ab dekh bhi liya....kitni Chutiya Duniya hai....hehehehe
Monday, August 20, 2007
If you liked Russel Peters then here's another Indian Comedian from Canada who can take you on a laugh riot.
Find other parts here and here

He is Nine.
His shots are compared to Rooney's.
His tricks are compared to C.Ronaldo's.
He is Rhain Davis.
This Brisbane born, Australian wonder kid has been signed by Manchester United.
His grandfather sent a DVD of the youngster in action to the Premiership Champions. Sir Alex Ferguson was impressed enough to invite him to move to England and train with the club.
He is required to earn a full-time scholarship with United, which is awrded to promising 12-year old football geniuses.
Have a look at why United was impressed.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Zeitgeist was created as a not for profit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the current Source page on this site lists the sources used / referenced.
Soon, an interactive transcript will be online with detailed footnotes and links.
It's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed.
For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3, specifically, is not obtained by simple keyword searches on the Internet. You have to dig deeper. For instance,very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. Any corrections, clarifications & further points regarding the film are found on the Clarifications page.
So the list of this years Bookers Prize contenders is out.....and not only have I not read any of these books I don't even know the names of the authors in the list (Except I read something about Nikita Lalwani in TOI...gosh I must be living in stone age). Though some of them are renowned authors (Googling showed me) I have not read any of there works but plan to change that soon.
Since I have not read any of these guys (and I hang my head in Shame!!!) I will just support Gifted by Nikita Lalwani.....Go lady go...and yeah I remember what was written about her..."She wants to be called Indian British instead of a British Indian"..........Chakk De India....
Here's the longlist
* Darkmans by Nicola Barker (4th Estate)
* Self Help by Edward Docx (Picador)
* The Gift Of Rain by Tan Twan Eng (Myrmidon)
* The Gathering by Anne Enright (Jonathan Cape)
* The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (Hamish Hamilton)
* The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies (Sceptre)
* Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones (John Murray)
* Gifted by Nikita Lalwani (Viking)
* On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape)
* What Was Lost by Catherine O’Flynn (Tindal Street)
* Consolation by Michael Redhill (William Heinemann)
* Animal’s People by Indra Sinha (Simon & Schuster)
* Winnie & Wolf by A.N.Wilson (Hutchinson)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In the second century of mankind's arrival on earth, the Gods of light took up arms against one of their own. Bala, a fallen dark God, had rejected the old ways of the pantheon and sought to impose his dominion over mankind. Feeding off the forced worship of men Bala grew too powerful for the pantheon to combat alone. So the pure Gods each sacrificed a part of themselves to create a powerful entity.
She is Devi. A fierce feminine warrior, stronger than the Gods themselves, she is reincarnated into the body of a human woman each time a great threat faces the Pantheon. She is the champion of the heavens, and the protector of man.
I have read till volume 11 and searching fiercely to get my hands on the next addition, brains behind this project are as big as our own Shekhar Kapoor.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Suns
He does it again, as a follow up to his amazing story Kite Runner (forgot to write it's review but it's a must read) he comes out with a heart touching story of Mariam and Laila.
Mariam was born in Afghanistan in 1959 as an illegitimate child who is later married off to a man 30 years older then her and has to endure a difficult restricted life burdened on an Afghan women in the middle of Russian revolution and then the rise of Taliban. Then some 15 years later her husband marries another 14 year old girl Laila whose parents are killed in the bombing.
Khaled Hosseini has shown the plight of women living in Afghanistan and there struggle of individuality..........he is a magician of words......A must read......
Newsround investigates children who live in poverty
Great Initiative..find it here.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/specials/2006/the_wrong_trainers/default.stm
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
According to Human Rights Watch, over 300,000
KashmiriHindus - 90 per cent of the Hindu population
of theKashmir Valley - remain displaced. In fact,
theycomprise India's largest displaced population.
Ofthem, about 4,880 families, each with an average
offour members, are livinwg in camps in and around
Jammu(the summer capital of the state of Jammu
andKashmir). And predictably, almost 60 per cent of
the displaced are women.
read the complete article here...
Friday, August 03, 2007
A shot in the dark (Original post by Falstaff)
"You killed him!"
"Does it matter?"
"Of course it matters! You can't just kill a man!"
"I just did."
"Well, yes, but there has to be a reason."
"Well, because, there always is."
"Is there?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I mean, I guess. Maybe not a rational reason, perhaps, but a reason."
"Like, for instance, I could be a deranged psychopath."
"Do you think I'm a deranged psychopath?"
"No. Which is why I'm asking you for a reason."
"All right, let's say there is a reason. Would it make him less dead if there was one?"
"No, but..."
"Would it make it okay for me to have killed him if I did have a reason?"
"I don't know. It would if it were a good reason."
"A good reason. I see. And who decides whether it's a good reason?"
"No one, I guess. It just is or isn't."
"Is it? What reason do you think he would have considered a good reason?"
"I don't know. Nothing, I guess."
"But you think there might be such a thing as a good reason for me to have killed him."
"There might."
"So it's a subjective thing then?"
"I guess."
"And what, in your opinion, would comprise a good reason for killing a man?"
"Well, self-defense, for a start."
"You mean if he'd been trying to kill me, for instance."
"But he wasn't."
"Suppose he was."
"That would be a bad thing for him to do, would it?"
"Well, yes, of course."
"A bad thing for him to kill me. But a good thing for me to kill him if he was trying to kill me?"
"Well, yes."
"How are the two different - either way you end up with one dead man."
"It's different. You were innocent. You weren't trying to kill him."
"But I did, eventually."
"Well, yes, but..."
"In fact, the only situation in which it would be justified for me to kill a man who was trying to kill me would be if I were incapable of killing a man. Any man."
"Yes. That is, I think..."
"Only then, of course, I wouldn't be able to kill him."
"I don't know! Look, dammit, there's a man lying there with a bullet through his head! This is not the time or the place for conundrums."
"Of course not. But you did ask."
"I just wanted to know why!"
"You just wanted a reason."
"Not because it had any consequences, only because you were uncomfortable not knowing what the reason was. In other words, you were curious."
"Yes. No. It was more than that."
"You needed to know there was a reason."
"So that you could fit this event into your world view. So that the universe would make sense again?"
"Yes, exactly."
"And does a universe where a man can pull a gun out of his pocket and kill another man make sense to you?"
"If he has a reason, yes."
"If he has a reason. Isn't it interesting that you're less concerned about the death of a fellow human being and more worried that you may not be able to make sense of it?"
"If you put it that way. But..."
"It is that way. Has it occurred to you that you might be next?"
"Isn't that why you really want to know why I killed him? To see if I'm likely to kill you next. To see if the same reasons apply."
"Yes, I suppose."
"Would it help you to know if I was going to kill you next."
"Why? How would the knowledge help you? What would you do if I was going to kill you in a minute? What could you do?"
"I don't know...something."
"Pray? Attack me?"
"Either. Both."
"I have a gun. You'd never make it."
"I could try."
"How would that help if you didn't make it?"
"What could I do?"
"I'd still want to know, though."
"Would you?"
"Do you?"
"Ask me then."
"Are you going to kill me?"
[sound of gunshot]
"Does that answer your question?"
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Silence- short film by Nupur Mathur
Makes you think--Ain't it???? I remember trying to stand close to a girl in the bus on my way to tuitions during School days.....how stupid and an Idiot I was!!!!
But I guess things are pretty much the same even today and it will take a long time to change the situation of Eve Teasing in the country....Here's a commendable effort