Monday, July 24, 2006

Can you answer this?

Question : You are in a boat in the middle of a river. You have 2 Cigarettes and have to light any one cigarette. You don't have anything else with you in the boat? How will you do it?

Monday, July 03, 2006

One long night @ the call center

What can I say about this book, it does brings back all those memories of my stint at the call center industry and good old Gurgaon, only city I have lived in where you can party all night long after Kathmandu, I have some of the best memories of my life in that city. Anyways the author has done well in creating a nice story though he faltered a bit towards the end but then I had huge expectations after reading the amazing 5 point someone so it was a bit of turn off there. He was able to keep the charisma of his one liner in this book as well and created a story out of a loser type hero again. I never thought so many things are possible in one night, at the least the author should have given a thought to the timeline. To sum up this entire entire book is just a one time read and since the price was reasonable I have no regrets :-)